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Ysgol Gynradd Coed-y-Garn Primary School

Dosbarth Pinc (Year 5)

Croeso i'r Dosbarth Pinc.

Welcome to Dosbarth Pinc.


Here is some general information about our class.


Class teacher: Mr Gammage

TA: Mrs Bancroft



Our PE day is a Tuesday. Children are to wear their PE kit to school (black joggers/leggings, white t-shirt and a school jumper/cardigan). For safety reasons, can all jewellery be removed before coming to school.



Homework is set every week on Google Classroom and Giglets. Spellings are sent home and also posted on Google Classroom. The children will be tested on these spellings on a Friday along with a mixed times tables test. Please support your child with learning their spellings and read every day.


Forest School Friday

Forest School is scheduled for after October Half Term.  Children are encouraged to wear old clothes, they will get dirty!


Healthy Schools

Children are asked to bring a bottle of water and a healthy snack (e.g. piece of fruit) each day.  Please ensure grapes are cut in half lengthways for health and safety reasons.


Our topic this term is 'I wonder'.


Please follow CYG on Twitter so we can share our exciting learning experiences!


Thank you for your continued support.