Dosbarth Coch (Year 2)
Croeso i Dosbarth Coch!
Welcome to Dosbarth Coch!
Class Teacher: Mrs Hampton & Miss James
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Edwards
Welcome to our class page! Here you will find information about our class.
General Information
Children can bring in a water bottle to keep in class to drink throughout the day, please ensure bottles are labelled with the child’s name (they can be refilled as needed). Children can also bring a healthy snack (e.g. a piece of fruit or vegetables) to have at breaktime. Please can this also be labelled.
Our Forest School day is on a Tuesday, could children please come to school dressed in appropriate clothing (old clothes, wellies) as they will be outside during this session.
Our PE day is on a Wednesday, could children please come into school dressed in their PE kit on this day. PE Kit should include white t-shirt with dark bottoms, school cardigan or jumper and suitable footwear. PE will take place outside weather permitted so please have warm clothes. For safety reasons, please can children remove all jewellery before coming to school.
Homework is set on a weekly basis on a Friday via in their homework books. Please can it be returned to school by the following Wednesday.
Spellings are sent home on a Monday, please support your child with learning their spellings in preparation for their spelling test on the Friday.
Children will bring a their reading book home daily to practise at home. Please read with your child at home and make a brief comment in their reading record book. Please ensure the children returns their reading book daily so books can be changed and children can be listened to in school.
Our topic this term is ‘I Wonder’
Please follow CYG on Twitter to see our wonderful learning experiences.
Please see some useful links below to support your child at home.