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Ysgol Gynradd Coed-y-Garn Primary School

Spring 2022 return to school



We are looking forward to welcoming our children back to school tomorrow, and would like to share with you updated information for the start of the Spring Term.


We are pleased to announce that from January 2022, Stephen Gammage will be supporting me in his strategic capacity as Acting Deputy Headteacher.  


You should have received an email yesterday including a letter from the Local Authority outlining changes following recent events in Wales. COVID19 is still present in our community and we will do all we can to help reduce the risk of transmission within school. At CyG, we have been operating at a high level due to the COVID19 situation in Blaenau-Gwent since November, so please note that there is little change to procedures. Our routines will continue as they did during the second half of Autumn 2021, we will continue to include safety and maximise social distancing routines and procedures; doors will be open as usual from 8:50 in readiness for a 9am start, with Foundation Phase pupils accessing the building via the one way system, and Key Stage Two children accessing the building from the KS2 gate. Please ensure that your child is in school on time.

The Risk Assessment has been updated in line with recent changes and guidance, and will be adhered to across school. The most significant changes surround self-isolation and lateral flow tests for those in contact with a positive case.


Should you receive a warn and inform letter from school regarding COVID19 in your child's class, we ask that your child undertakes lateral flow tests for 7 days. If you require lateral flow tests for your child, we have some in school so please ask for them. Those participating will be provided with clear instructions on how to use lateral flow tests and informed of days for testing. A clear process is set out for lateral flow tests including:

-    Tests to be taken before attending school each morning

-    Reporting the test result online

-    If the test is positive, the staff member or child is not to attend school and immediately self-isolate

-    Parents/carers to notify school of positive result

-    Staff to inform the Headteacher

-    Follow any advice and isolate in accordance with the advice given by the Track, Trace and Protect Team


For all learners in schools (from aged 5) who have a household member tested positive for COVID19, it is also recommended that they should undertake daily lateral flow every day for seven days, in a bid to reduce transmission in the community. This should start on the day a household contact is confirmed positive from a lateral flow or PCR test result.

Please note that a negative lateral flow device test result does not remove the risk of transmission and infection control measures must not be relaxed.


During the next few weeks it may be necessary to close classes because of staff absences. Please be aware that this will be the last resort, and we will do all we can to avoid closing classes at Coed-y-Garn. However, with the current COVID19 situation, it is possible that we will need to do so, and unfortunately notification for these closures will be at short notice. 

It is anticipated that COVID19 cases will continue to rise over the next few weeks so please support us in school by:

  • Wearing a face covering at all times when on school site
  • Not sending your child to school if they have any COVID19 symptoms
  • Maintaining social distancing
  • Limiting time on site

Adults are requested to wear masks to prevent the spread of the virus, essential visitors who enter the school building are requested to wear masks and take their temperature on arrival.


Please ensure that you are able to access online learning for your child at the start of the Spring term, should it be necessary for class or school closure due to COVID19 or inclement weather. Please contact your child’s class teacher if you do not have passwords etc and they will be able to assist you.


If your child, or any member of your family, displays any symptoms of COVID19 or are generally unwell – follow WG guidelines. Children and staff are unable to come to school if they have symptoms of COVID19. The three key symptoms of COVID19 are:

  • a high temperature: this means that they feel hot to touch on their chest or back
  • a new, continuous cough: this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours
  • a loss or change to their sense of smell or taste: this means they’ve noticed they cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal.

If your child has any of these three key symptoms, please do not send your child to school and arrange a PCR test for them immediately. You can book a PCR test online through the NHS website at or by calling 119. 

Any child who displays symptoms of COVID19 in school will go to our isolation room. Parents/carers will be contacted immediately by school and asked to collect their child and to contact 111. If a child needs to isolate, an adult will stay with them and may need to wear full PPE, i.e. apron, gloves, mask.




Please note that under no circumstances should anyone attend school if they:

  • have any of the three identified COVID19 symptoms: a new continuous cough, a high temperature, or loss of or change to their sense of taste or smell - (should these symptoms develop they should commence self-isolation immediately and arrange to have a PCR test)
  • have tested positive to COVID19: you must continue to self-isolate and complete the full self-isolation period following WG guidelines


For further information on protecting yourself and others from coronavirus, including information on isolation, please go online


Please ensure we have up to date contact telephone numbers and an email address.


We will continue to monitor attendance this term; please report your child’s absence so we can update records accordingly. Should you have concerns regarding your child attending school, please speak to staff in your child’s class, or contact our Education Welfare Officer, Wendy Lane: 07890312629.

We will continue to communicate with you through phone calls, newsletters (via email), Seesaw, Twitter: @CYGprimary, the school website:  and Teachers2Parents texting service. Please use these to access updated information regarding school.

We are looking forward to seeing you all soon, and will continue to ensure that the children receive the support and education that they deserve.