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Ysgol Gynradd Coed-y-Garn Primary School

Dosbarth Porffor (Year 3/4)

Croeso i Dosbarth Porffor

Welcome to Dosbarth Porffor 



Class Teacher: Miss James 


Teaching Assistant: Mrs Bancroft


HLTA: Mrs Crandon


Welcome to our class page! Scroll down to find more information about our class.

General Information: 


Our PE day is Thursday.
On this day, please ensure pupils come to school dressed in their PE kit. The kit includes a white t-shirt, dark bottoms, and suitable footwear. For safety reasons, all jewellery should be removed before coming to school. PE may take place outdoors, weather permitting, so please ensure pupils wear warm clothing.


We are a healthy school.
Pupils are encouraged to bring a water bottle to keep in class, which can be refilled throughout the day as needed. They may also bring a healthy snack, such as fruit or vegetables, for break time. If you provide grapes, please ensure they are cut in half for safety.


Homework and Reading Book
Homework is set weekly on Fridays in the pupils' homework book and should be returned to school by the following Wednesday. Pupils will bring their reading book home daily to practice reading. Please read with your child at home and leave a comment in their reading record book. It's important that pupils return their reading book each day so they can be listened to and have their books changed regularly.


The class theme this Autumn Term is 'All about me.' 


Remember to follow @CYG on X to see all the great learning experiences happening in Dosbarth Porffor!


Blwyddyn 3/4 Representatives: 


Criw Cymraeg - Florence and George 


Well-Being Warriors - Gwen and Ralph


Growth Mindset - Elodie and Tilly 


Digital Leaders - Nova and Darcie 


Eco Ambassadors - Darcie-Mai and Kody 


PE Monitors - Mayly and Jason